Rishikesh – ‘the place of the Rishis – (Sages or Saints)
has for thousands of years been a holy gathering place for enlightened masters, sages, mystics, yogis, saints, gurus and seekers of Truth. It seems the very ground is imbued with their meditations, prayers, yogic practices. The air feels rarefied, pulsating with grace and the presence permeates the atmosphere. Rishikesh is truly a mystical, wondrous magical place which cannot be described in words, but can only be experienced through your own direct living experience, in complete surrender.
Every year millions of seekers, pilgrims and masters flock to Rishikesh to sit in the presence of the holy river Ganga to bathe in her purifying grace.
Every year millions of seekers, pilgrims and masters flock to Rishikesh to sit in the presence of the holy river Ganga to bathe in her purifying grace.